At Fire Tech Fire Protection, we know what system is needed for your environment in order to suppress a fire quickly and effectively, with minimal damage. Our team can create the best solution for the most challenging and unique fire protection needs.


Protecting your property calls for different suppression systems based on the special hazards inside and the use of your facilities. Whether you are protecting historical artifacts in a museum or running a power plant, the detection of a fire and the fast acting response of a system is important to help limit damage to your assets, people and building. Based on your facility’s needs we can help you design, install and maintain a special hazard fire protection system.


Common Special Hazards Fire Protection Systems:


Deluge Systems: Used in high hazard areas such as chemical storage facilities and power plants

High Expansion Foam Systems: Used in aircraft hangers and high combustible storage

CO2 Systems: Used commonly for electronic operations and power generation

Clean Agent Systems: Ideal for environments with sensitive or delicate equipment

Water Mist Systems: Used in mining facilities, museums and various industrial plants


Our team knows the NFPA codes and standards inside and out. Our experienced technicians meet with your company to determine the right system in compliance with national regulations. Whether you’re working with new construction or retrofitting an existing establishment, the correct fire suppression system saves lives.




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